Our quarterly Collective Action Network convenings are open to the public. No RSVP required.
To learn more about our Kindergarten Readiness work, click on this link: https://www.achieveescambia.org/kindergarten-readiness-collective-action-network
Purpose: Ready for school means ready for life. Using research to guide its efforts, the Kindergarten Readiness Collective Action Network focuses on strategies to prepare more children for school. By focusing on high-impact projects like preschool success and early childhood screening, we are working to engage families and communities where young children need extra support to be ready to learn.
Bold Goal: By 2025, 75% of children entering kindergarten will be ready for school.
Why does the Bold Goal matter?
Escambia County children who start behind, stay behind. And more than half of our children are not ready to start kindergarten.
Feel free to forward this message to your colleagues.
Special presentation:
Early childhood program capacity and gaps: Building a birth to 5 needs assessment for Escambia County
Review of Pensacola Young Professionals poll results related to early childhood
Campaign for Grade Level Reading: Overview of Lectio Institute training and sneak peak of our emerging programmatic landscape of literacy interventions
Questions? Email Kimberly Krupa at director@achieveescambia.org or MJ Ziemba at manager@achieveescambia.org.